Monday, February 11, 2008

Other Springy ideas

I was at the Emerald City Fies this weekend and chatted with lots of folks about the flooring article in IDM.

One dancer I talked with said they put plywood in the garage to dance on and pushed it up against the wall when they needed to park the car. They also put Velcro on the edges to keep them from moving. (which is like the Jubilee flooring squares). Great idea!

This is a great use of space but bad for your knees, ankles, back, etc... I encouraged her to put foam squares on the bottom of that plywood, every square foot like I did on the floor we put in. I attached them with Liquid Nails. If you do it this way you can still push them up against the wall, out of the way, when you need to park the car in the garage but you will have a sprung surface rather than a hard concrete floor.

I also was looking at the dance floor that the Feis had laid out for the competition. They had plywood with vinyl (Marley) over it. For their "something springy" they used carpet padding. Here is an idea. Go to you next Feis and see what they use. Whatever it is it has to be easy to install because they put it in for the day.
